Monte Verdi Plantation has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior as of March 31, 2014.
MONTE VERDI meaning "Green Mountain" is located high on a hill in Rusk County Texas. It is said that from the upper gallery a person can see four different counties. Monte Verdi is an architectural showplace built in the Greek Revival style and was completed in 1856. The mansion was built by Julien Sidney Devereux and was situated on his 10,721 acre plantation. After Julien's death in 1856, it was Sarah Devereux that kept the plantation producing through the Civil War years even while being heavily taxed to support the Confederate Troops.
The plantation remained in the family until sometime around the turn of the century. The home passed through several owners and the land was sold off piece by piece. By 1958, the home was in great disrepair. Mr. & Mrs. E.F. Lowry bought the property and immediately began their three year restoration. They returned the home to its grand stature overlooking the East Texas hills.
The mansion received its Texas Historical Medallion in 1964. Mr. & Mrs. Lowry then purchased a log cabin in Mt. Enterprise, Texas, for relocation to the site of the original plantation kitchen. The cabin built in 1844, known as the "Birdwell House," is an excellent example of "Saddle Bag" architecture. It was built by Col. Allen Birdwell. The cabin received its own Texas Historical Medallion in 1967.
On September 1, 2018, the dedication of another Official Texas Historical Marker was held at the plantation. This marker honors the "Monte Verdi Plantation Family Slaves" as an important and educational part of history. The theme for the dedication was "We Say Their Names".
The plantation is now a private residence owned by Joe & Cecilia Koch. .
Circa 1844 cabin, known as the "Birdwell House" |
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and a Texas State Historical Landmark overlooking beautiful East Texas!!